Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

7 Reasons to Keep a Journal

7 Reasons to Keep a Journal

Ten years ago today, I began my very first journal.

Did I do it perfectly? Not even close. Did I skip days, months even? You bet. But would I do it all over again? Definitely.

Here are my top seven reasons why I love journaling.

1. Because it’s fun! Journaling isn’t just limited to words. I have added doodles, drawings, brochures, random pieces of paper, stickers, wrappers—anything. There are no rules!

2. Journaling helps me unwind at night. There’s something calming about simply writing about the events of the day. There are thoughts trapped inside that want to come out, and journaling sets them at liberty.

3. Journaling captures memories that would be otherwise lost. The smallest moments are so often forgotten, and some things in life can’t be captured by a camera. But those “gems” don’t have to slip through the cracks. Jot down jokes, quotes, funny stories, and little adventures. You’ll thank yourself over and over again!

4. Journaling improves memory. Several studies on the subject prove it’s true! I can remember an event that took place eight years ago as if it were yesterday, just because I wrote about it.

5. Journaling gives a new perspective. Nothing is funnier (or more embarrassing) than cracking open an old journal and laughing at my younger self! Reading past entries reminds me how far I’ve come and not to take myself too seriously! :)

6. Journaling helps me enjoy the moment. Writing every night reminds me to slow down and remember why I’m here. There is beauty all around us when we have the eyes to see it.

7Journaling creates a legacy. Although I have no children of my own, I dream of one day reading back through my journals with my kids. You see, grownups oftentimes forget what it was like to be a kid. I hope my journals will give me fresh insight into understanding my own kids someday.

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