Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

Native Plant Sale

Native Plant Sale

Where is everyone? I thought as I got out of my car. The trailhead was desolate, all except for a few perky morning runners. Checking my email again, I realized that the Fall Bird Count was scheduled for next Saturday, not this Saturday.

Feeling a little defeated, I decided to search for other events in the area. As I was scrolling, “Native Plant Sale” caught my eye. To my surprise, the plant sale was happening right here at Barfield Crescent Park!

Hopping out of my car again, I found the sale right around the corner. The scene that met my eyes was too good to be true. Oh, the species they had to offer! There were wild plums, buttonbushes, wildflowers, native grasses, shrubs, and best of all, American beautyberry. I was in plant paradise. Let’s just say that I was very rich in plants when I got home! :)

Pounce's Morning Ritual

Pounce's Morning Ritual

7 Reasons to Keep a Journal

7 Reasons to Keep a Journal