Hi, I’m Sophie! I’m a Middle Tennessee musician, artist, and gardener.

How to Craft a Well-Written Letter

How to Craft a Well-Written Letter

When was the last time you wrote someone a letter? Not a thank you note, an invitation, or an email… but a thoughtfully crafted, handwritten letter?

I have always loved sending letters to my friends. By the time I was eleven, I consistently wrote to thirteen pen-pals (most of whom were grandparents or cousins, ha!).

Now that we live in the age of emails, text messages, and direct messages, the art of letter writing is all but lost. Sending a handwritten letter is a fun, thoughtful, and unique way to stay in touch with friends and family.

How to Craft a Well-Written Letter

So, what constitutes a well-written letter? I consulted my mom (she’s a pro at letter writing), and this is what we came up with:

  1. Include a story. We all love stories. Sending a funny, sweet, or uplifting story from your day or week is a great way to stay connected. Your story needn’t be long. In fact, the shorter the story, the better.

  2. Send a gift. A letter is the perfect vehicle for sending small paper gifts. You could send photos, artwork, a magazine clipping, your favorite tea, a bookmark, an encouraging verse, etc. Keep in mind, however, that receiving a handwritten letter is a gift in itself. Adding anything extra is completely up to you.

  3. Share something about yourself. What have you been doing lately? What are you currently excited about? What are you learning about? Tell the other person about current happenings in your life. You might mention a new book you’re loving or a podcast you are enjoying. It’s also okay to include some struggles you are facing. Being real and honest encourages the other person to do the same.

  4. Ask a question, or two or three. Ask the other person what they have been up to. Be curious. After all, we all like it when other people are interested in what we are doing. You might ask them about their hobbies, their kids, or their garden.

  5. Connect. Let the other person know how much you appreciate their friendship or thank them for something they did that impacted you. Above all, be sincere. If you appreciate them, express it. If you miss them, tell them so. If you are praying for them, let them know.

I hope you will take the time this week to send someone a handwritten letter. Remember, it doesn’t have to be long. A few sentences or a paragraph will do. Just take a few moments to let someone else know that you are thinking about them. I promise, you won’t regret the time you spent.

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